

A ROUTE REFRESH message containing ORF data has been received for an AFI/SAFI for which ORF support was not agreed during capability exchange. The ORF data will be ignored.


Configure RM (and the peer) to advertise ORF support for this AFI/SAFI.



Message Text

A ROUTE REFRESH message containing ORF data has been received for an AFI/SAFI for which ORF support was not agreed during capability exchange VR = %p1% Local peer address = %p2% Local port = %p3% Remote peer address = %p4% Remote port = %p5% Scope ID = %p6% AFI = %p7% SAFI = %p8%

Message Parameters

Name Type
p1 uInt32
p2 VarFmtByteArray
p3 uInt16
p4 VarFmtByteArray
p5 uInt16
p6 uInt32
p7 uInt16
p8 uInt8